Know Everything About Necklift In Thailand Before Treatment

Know Everything About Necklift In Thailand Before Treatment

Do you think the area around your neck appears flabby? Do you think that your double chin is the main cause of your lack of confidence? By surgically removing extra skin and fat from the region around the jawline, a neck lift creates a more defined and youthful-looking neck. While neck lift surgery can produce long-lasting results, one needs to understand that any such process can never permanently reverse the natural effects of aging.

Caring for aged skin isn’t restricted to your face. The skin of your neck also shows indications of ageing caused by UV damage, environmental causes, and unhealthy living patterns. For many people, an ageing neck contour with wrinkles and drooping skin top the complaints addressed by skin care professionals. However, removing loose skin on your neck and under your chin frequently necessitates surgical or nonsurgical procedures.

When should you go for Neck Lift Treatment in Thailand?

There are various alterations that can occur in the appearance of our neck that we find unappealing. Because of the natural slowing of collagen and elastin production, skin loses much of its original firmness and plumpness. When this happens, the skin begins to sag and relax. Wrinkles and lines can form, and the skin might fold and gather at a point. It is commonly referred to as a “turkey neck” since it mimics the neck of the same name. Facial skin often loses elasticity simultaneously, and when this affects the lower face and jowls emerge, it makes the neck appear even older.

A neck lift can help to restore the appearance of taut, supple, and line-free skin on the neck. It’s an excellent choice for persons who have dropped a significant amount of weight and have loose-hanging neck skin with minimal elasticity. So if you feel like your neck is not in good shape you should consult with a neck lift surgeon to obtain younger, smoother neck skin ASAP.

Choose the right place for your surgery!

Neck Lift surgery is an effective but risky treatment. If not executed properly and with expertise, there is a risk of complications such as bleeding under the skin (hematoma), anaesthetic reaction, thick scarring, blood clots, infection, and others. So choosing an experienced and reliable medical center like Rattinan for Necklift in Thailand is crucial. You can obtain further counsel on various surgeries if you choose Rattinan Medical Center.

Types of Necklift Treatment:

The two most common forms of neck lift surgery are Cervicoplasty and Platysmaplasty. Both neck lift treatments effectively reduce the fat in your neck area. Let’s discuss both neck lift treatments one by one:

1) Cervicoplasty 

Cervicoplasty is a plastic surgery neck lift treatment to treat chin and neck soft tissue abnormalities. It can benefit people who have lost weight and want to eliminate their excessive neck skin. Cervicoplasty removes excess fat and skin from the chin and neck to freshen, repair, and enhance their appearance. Cervicoplasty operations can be paired with other cosmetic surgery, such as a facelift, to provide additional regeneration.

Cervicoplasty is a nonexcisional anterior approach that uses minimum access incisions to rejuvenate the lower face. The treatment can result in significant aesthetic improvements. However, this method is not acceptable for all patients.

The eligible criterias for an individual to undergo Cervicoplasty 

Cervicoplasty treatment is best suited for people who generally have good health but have extra skin and fat around their chin and neck. It is not advised to get Cervicoplasty surgery if you need to tighten up your muscles or have a lot of extra fat around your chin and neck. Platysmaplasty operation might be more suitable for patients who want to lose their neck fat.

Average recovery rate of Cervicoplasty Surgery:

Following a Cervicoplasty, most patients require two to four weeks of acute healing. For the first several weeks, it’s important to restrict your neck movement, sun exposure, and physically demanding activities to save yourself from swelling, soreness, and bruising-like problems. Most applicants return to their regular routines in around four weeks.

Results of Cervicoplasty Surgery

Following a Cervicoplasty operation, the effects of Cervicoplasty surgery are observed immediately and are long-lasting, despite being susceptible to ageing and large weight fluctuations.

2) Platysmaplasty

Platysmaplasty is a cosmetic neck lift surgical procedure that may give your neck a more sculpted and youthful appearance. Platysmaplasty works by elevating and tightening your platysma muscle. Your platysma allows you to move your lower face. It’s a thin muscle sheet that runs from your collarbones to your lower face. The look of your neck might be affected if your platysma diminishes. It might help you eliminate extra fat and sagging skin on your neck. Your platysma muscle will also be tightened as part of the surgery. You may want to consider this procedure if you have age-related skin changes or drooping skin from losing weight.

Why should you go for Platysmaplasty surgery:

If you have excess fat in your neck, horizontal bands of skin (neck bands), lost a lot of weight and have loose skin on your neck, saggy neck skin similar to the tissue that hangs down like that of a turkey’s neck, or wrinkles, you can consider Platysmaplasty neck lift surgery to enhance your appearance. This surgery is also effective for double chin treatment.

Nonsurgical Neck Lift:

There is another neck lift option which does not include any cosmetic surgical process. Nonsurgical, minimally invasive methods do not produce the same results as surgical therapies. However, for people who wish to improve the appearance of their skin without going under the knife, these surgeries are the greatest solution. Examples of nonsurgical neck lifting treatment include Botox, Fractionated ablative laser treatment, Injectable dermal fillers, Kybella, and Ultherapy. These nonsurgical treatments are less expensive, have a quick recovery rate, shorter procedures, and have fewer risks overall.

Who shouldn’t undergo a NeckLift Treatment?

Neck lift candidates should be in good physical, mental, and emotional health and have realistic expectations. Patients who have ongoing medical issues or anaesthetic allergies are not suppose to undergo any such surgery. Rattinan medical center in Thailand for Necklift is well aware of the potential risks of this surgery and only treats the right patients who meets the suitable condition.

Preparation and Precautions: 

Before a few weeks from the surgery, you will have to focus on your food habits and medicians. Avoid oily and excessive food that can make you sick and less active. Also, cease taking aspirin or other blood-thinning drugs, a few days before your surgery. Warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven), heparin, aspirin, and other drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) are examples of these blood-thinning medicians.

It may take many weeks to months for swelling and bruises to go away completely, and it may take up to six months for your incision lines to diminish. Meanwhile, protect your skin from the sun, avoid wearing anything that requires you to pull over your head, and be patient with your surgical wounds.