Staple circumcision is a relatively new surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin of the penis. Unlike other forms of circumcision, staple circumcision boasts an impressively low rate of bleeding and scarring. Furthermore, there is a lower risk of urinary tract infections compared to alternative procedures.
Typically, circumcision is predominantly influenced by cultural, religious, or personal factors. Although circumcision is not medically obligatory, the advantages for men outweigh the potential risks. For instance, it reduces the risk of most sexually transmitted diseases, including human papillomavirus, genital ulcer disease, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Finally, staple circumcision improves penile hygiene.
In this article, we will briefly discuss the benefits, contraindications, and recovery associated with staple circumcision in Thailand.
The Benefits of Staple Circumcision in Thailand
The benefits of staple circumcision are similar to those of comparable procedures and include a lower incidence of:
Describing the difficulty in retracting the foreskin from around the tip of the penis.
Occurs when it is possible to retract the foreskin, but it cannot be moved back into its normal position. This is an emergency that requires prompt intervention.
An inflammation of the glans penis, which approximately affects up to 1 in 25 uncircumcised men during their lifetime. Interestingly, the incidence of balanitis in circumcised men is 1 in 30.
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs):
Describing the infection of the urinary system, commonly occurring due to poor hygiene or anatomical abnormalities. Recurrent UTIs can predispose patients to severe complications.
Uncircumcised men frequently complain of injuries to the foreskin caused by zipper incidents. Recurrent injuries can cause fibrosis and tissue scarring. Your doctor may recommend staple circumcision to address this issue.
After highlighting the general benefits of circumcision, let’s briefly list the specific advantages of staple circumcision:
- Lower risk of bleeding.
- Short duration of the procedure (i.e., less than 15 minutes).
- Lower risk of perioperative pain.
- Minimal risk of scarring.
- Reduced downtime.
Who Shouldn't Get Staple Circumcision?
There are numerous contraindications to staple circumcision. Of course, you will go over these with your surgeon during the initial consultation.
- Anatomical deformities of the penis (e.g., hypospadias, epispadias, penile webbing).
- Patients on anticoagulant drugs (e.g., warfarin, enoxaparin).
- Patients with a history of cardiovascular disease, uncontrolled diabetes, or penile cancer.
- Current infection of the foreskin.
Recovery from Staple Circumcision
Recovery from staple circumcision is generally rapid, ranging from 4 to 6 weeks. However, you need to take a few precautions, such as avoiding heavy lifting or swimming for at least 2 weeks after the procedure.
Some patients may experience glans oversensitivity, which typically resolves in a few months. Ensure to use cotton buds or tweezers for successful staple removal after 10-14 days.
Additionally, apply Fucidin cream to prevent infection and Savlon solution up to 4 times daily for wound cleaning.
Other tips to help with your recovery include:
- Empty your bladder before bedtime.
- Sleep on your side or back.
- Wear snug underwear.
Takeaway Message
Staple circumcision in Thailand is a modern procedure that provides several benefits and reduces the risk of some debilitating diseases.
We hope that this article managed to highlight the key points of staple circumcision in Thailand. However, if you still have any questions, feel free to share them in the comment section below.
Rattinan Medical Center